A horoscope which is also known by other names such as astrological chart, cosmogram, chart wheel or simply a chart among other things, is a pictorial representation of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological elements at the time of important events like birth. Astrologers believe that alignment of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth influences his whole life by being an important predictor of things to come. Many newspapers or magazines and also websites in consultation with reputed astrologers, provide free horoscope interpretation allowing many believers to carry out their daily tasks in accordance with their sun sign or find out the compatibility with people they want to get married to.
Many people in both eastern and western cultures hold firm opinions that the relative positions of stars, sun and other celestial bodies have strong influence on people’s lives. The position of sun, moon, planets and stars at the time of people’s birth shapes their personality, predict their economic fortunes or misfortunes and shape and affect their relationships with people around them. That is why so much emphasis is laid on free horoscope compatibility and many astrologers provide it for free. It is generally believed that lack of astrology compatibility can cause some serious ripples in married life. As such, in a country like India horoscopic compatibility is emphasised and is the foremost thing that is looked into before proceeding to an advanced state in marriage matchmaking.
Many people in both eastern and western cultures hold firm opinions that the relative positions of stars, sun and other celestial bodies have strong influence on people’s lives. The position of sun, moon, planets and stars at the time of people’s birth shapes their personality, predict their economic fortunes or misfortunes and shape and affect their relationships with people around them. That is why so much emphasis is laid on free horoscope compatibility and many astrologers provide it for free. It is generally believed that lack of astrology compatibility can cause some serious ripples in married life. As such, in a country like India horoscopic compatibility is emphasised and is the foremost thing that is looked into before proceeding to an advanced state in marriage matchmaking.